Getting ready for bed
Tuesday night Crew had a really rough time. He cried and moaned and wiggled around. He just couldn't get comfy. He had a fever and was fussy. While trying to soothe him, I was rubbing his sweet round head. I noticed that his soft spot was bulging rather than sunk in like always. I was worried, and anxious for morning so I could call the Dr. He didn't get any worse throughout the night but he didn't get any better. There was little sleep and lots of crying, poor guy. When we got to the Dr. he was concerned about his soft spot. Because Crew has a "Big Head" he thought he might have fluid around his brain. If there was no fluid then we would proceed with a spinal tap. He was showing some signs of meningitis. So we went and got an ultrasound of his head. It showed no fluid. While I was waiting for the Dr. to perform his spinal tap I was walking around outside with my fussy baby. I was trying to soothe him, and myself. For just a brief minute I allowed myself to think the worst. What if my baby has spinal meningitis, what if he is really really sick. What if something really bad happens. I hugged him tight and then tighter and tighter. I walked into the Drs. Office with a prayer in my heart, I was scared to death.
It was going on 3:00 and poor baby had slept horrid and really had no nap, he was exhausted. While he was lying on the table having fluid taken out of his back my heart was breaking. You just feel so helpless. His cry for help was not being answered. I just rubbed his leg and sang Take me out the Ballgame. After he was done I wrapped him up in his blanket and cradled him to sleep. I kissed him over and over and over again.
We were being admitted to the hospital. Dr. Johnson was taking early precaution. If we were dealing with spinal meningitis he wanted to get antibiotics in him immediately. He had just barley fallen asleep and now it was time for his IV. Seriously is there anything worse? Couldn't find the vein on the first try. His hands have a little too much fat. For the second poke they got the cool little light that shows his veins. IV was in, and Crew was spent. He was done being tortured, and so was I!!! Once again as he lay on the bed having needles being poked into his skin I rubbed sweet little head, and sang to him his song.
Take me out to the ball game, take me out to the crowd.
Buy me some peanuts and cracker jacks,
I don't care if I ever get back.
For its root root root for the home team
If they don't win it's a shame,
For its 1 2 3 strikes you're out
at the old ballgame
As the tears rolled from my cheeks to his I wanted more than ANYTHING to take his place. Let me get poked and hurt. Just leave my boy alone. It hurts so much inside. But because I love him so much of course I let the tests be done, and the IV be placed, I will do ANYTHING to make him better. So off to the next procedure, which was the catheter and last but not least the snot test. They stick a tube up your nose and down your throat and suck out snot. Out of all the tests he hated this one the most, or maybe it was by this point he was done. His little chin quivered and he screamed bloody murder. Heartache to the core. What really broke my heart was that after all this, my little guy would still try and smile. His eyes were swollen and puffy and his little body was so worn out, but he still tried so hard to be happy. He would flap his arms a time or two and then fall into my chest. He really needed some sleep.
With all the monitors, vital checks, unfamiliar surroundings, and feeling crappy there was very little sleep taking place. We kept moving from chair to bed to rocking chair just trying to find some comfort. Morning came with some good news. No viral meningitis. We were still waiting for the snot test (which can tell what kind of virus you have) and the bacterial meningitis. If we got a positive on the snot test then we could go home. Dr. Johnson wanted a name to what was causing him to be sick. We all know that viral infections can't be treated, so no use staying at the hospital. Around 8:00pm we got the results that he had a virus. I was so relieved and so happy that we were going home. I am so grateful that my little guy is okay. My heart goes out to parents that have children that are really sick. It has to take years off your life. When stuff like this happens it makes you realize how valuable life really is.