Like most of you, I purchased my ticket for Eclipse months ago, and have been impatiently waiting for the blasted movie. Finally the night has arrived. My girlfriends and I went to dinner first and then off to the theater to wait in line for FOUR hours. When the time came to enter the theater my adrenalin kicked in and I was so excited I wanted to shout. I calmly sat in my chair and waited. Shortly after my popcorn was buttered and my Pepsi was filled the previews started. My seat was good I wasn't too close to the front and no one tall was sitting in front of me. I could see the screen just fine, I just couldn't hear anything, not a sound was coming from the movie. Now we specifically picked theater 3 because a worker told us it had the best sound. So you can understand my confusion when I could hear nothing. The movie stopped, and then started again still with no sound. I wasn't too concerned yet we were still watching previews. Then all of a sudden the movie starts and THERE IS STILL NO SOUND!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!! I close my eyes tight I don't want to see without hearing. Then the lights fade on. The owner of the theater proceeds to explain that they cannot get the sound to work and therefore I will not be able to watch the movie. ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME!!! I was so mad I wanted to throw my freshly buttered popcorn and my ice cold Pepsi all over everything. It wasn't just the fact I was missing the movie(although that was a huge part) it was all the planning that it took to get there. Juggling the kids, staying up late, being tired the next morning for no reason at all, the months of anticipation, finding someone to watch the kids tomorrow so I could watch the movie. I was defeated, and I never like feeling that way. I left the movie theater very very angry. One of the worst parts of all is my sister who could really care less about the damn movie got a sneak peek and watched it at 8:00 and hours ago sent me a text telling me how great it was. So sluggishly I went home got into bed and laid there for an hour. My steam had to simmer before I could fall asleep.
I am happy to report that fabulous sister of mine took all 4 kids of mine plus one of her own to the pool by herself so I could go watch the blasted movie. And it was magnificent. I LOVED every moment of it!
Sorry lady friends for the bad behavior.
k how bout you go see it with me...i want to see it and I have no one to see it with. Plus, we need to plan a play date ASAP. Sorry i've been a flake on the last two. My life was so crazy but I think things have started to settle or txt me.